Edith McNally
When you're not playing bridge you are... Gardening, Aqua Aerobics, socialising.
If you could re-name it, what would you call bridge?
Bid and Win
If you were shipwrecked with 3 birdge players, who would they be? My besties, Ron, Stephanie and Charles (no not Prince Charles).
What do you love about your bridge club? They are welcoming but highly competitive. They taught us all we know about the game and will teach us a whole heap more into the future.
Why is your partner Ron so wonderful?
He is interested in this thinking persons game and enjoys playing with me.
How long have you been playing bridge for?
2+ years
Ron McNally

When you're not playing bridge you are... Attending family & friend events
If you could re-name it, what would you call bridge?
duplicate counting
If you were shipwrecked with 3 birdge players, who would they be? spouse Edith & close friends, Bromsers
What do you love about your bridge club? supportive and local.
Why is your partner Edith so wonderful?
spouse and best friend
How long have you been playing bridge for?
2.5 years